The New World From an Energetic Perspective
The new world. People talk about it a lot. Often it refers to old systems and structures bursting at the seams and no longer functioning. But, there is another much more important aspect when we talk about the new world: the energy on Earth is now completely different from what we were always used to, and this will remain so for the rest of our current lives. It will only become more so.
Shifts to a New World
During the transition from earth energy to air energy (which is not yet complete), numerous shifts have taken place, both in all living organisms on the Earth and in the Earth itself.
For example, layers of consciousness have emerged. These help you to have more focus on engaging with your life lessons and meeting like-minded people to create the new reality together. There has also been an energetic T-split between fear and trust. In addition, "Christ consciousness" has come through. This is a form of energy, it is not related to religion, everyone can connect with it. Furthermore, filters have fallen away in everyone, making dimensions more visible and making us more sensitive to external energy.
New operating system of the Earth
But the most important change is Earth's new operating system. As described in the book Your Karma there are higher intelligence forms behind the Earth's operating system. The old system has been replaced by a new system, which has shifted the allocation of power between the dark and light.
This has an effect on everything on earth. The old system still exists and you can still finish your life in it, but realize that there is no more "life" in it.
You can compare it to a new operating system or software system of computers. At some point, the old system is no longer supported and managed. You can still work with it, but it no longer functions smoothly, and you can tell that there is no more development. It's the same with Earth's operating system.
Will you stick with the old or will you optimally go with the flow of the new? Everyone faces this choice (unconsciously) in the second half of 2024..
Earth's operating system is leading when it comes to the bandwidth of Earth's life paths. We stand, as it were, at a crossroads of life paths. Which turn we take, and thus which life path we take, depends on the energy of our collective consciousness. More about the life path of the Earth and its influence on your life path.
What Does the New World Look Like?
Okay, so a new world. But what does this mean concretely and how can I best give meaning to it? What exactly the physical world will look like depends on numerous factors. Nor is it something that happens overnight. It will take years, perhaps decades. Globally, we are currently still in the demolition phase. Yet you can work in parallel to build and develop.
Although the physical direction may not yet be visible, there is already an energetic direction. The higher energy frequency works much more on non-physical information transfer and thought power than the lower earth energy. So it is important to learn to deal with this and learn to direct this consciously. There is also a shift from centralized to decentralized, and from authoritarian (being directed) to authority (self-direction).
More specifically, this means, among other things:
- Discover who you are, why you are here on Earth, and what talents you have been given.
- Stay in tune with your own energy and learning to distinguish what is yours and what is not.
- Direct your life with essential intentions, energetic campaigns and higher metaphysical laws and forces,.
- Let yourself be guided by your intuition and helpers, such as your Main Guide.
- Adjusting your attitude and behavior to what is needed so that you are not your own blockage.
Because only then are you able to rise above your own (limited) thinking, connect with innovative ideas that fit your essence and level of consciousness, and meet people on your path who will help you realize them.
The outside world as you experience it stems from your own inner world. And with your inner world you create your outer world. Among other things, because with your beliefs, thoughts, attitude, and behavior you (unconsciously) activate metaphysical laws and forces that determine the outcome of situations.
The world may perish, but that does not mean your world will perish. You are the creator of your experience world: create your own paradise on Earth.
Our Vision for a New World
Revive the power of your nature | Vision for new world
Our vision for the new world is based on the power we have within us, the infinite energy that the universe offers us.