

Clear Your Mind | Meditation Healing

Living from your heart instead of your mind. That is sometimes easier said than done. Especially in uncertain or stressful periods it is difficult to stop worrying and it keeps going round and round in your head. 

When it is busy in your mind, there is no room to get an overview and to put things into perspective. Which makes you worry even more. A vicious circle that we are going to break with this meditation-healing.  

Through a healing you can release unnecessary thoughts and reset the mechanism that causes worrying. This clears your mind and creates room to feel and look at the situation from a different perspective. Could you use this as well? 

What Are We Going To Do?

We do a meditation healing to get unnecessary thoughts out of your system. We will take you on a metaphysical journey and use a healing spirit: a medicine woman connected to the Dakota mountains. We disconnect from human consciousness and connect with the consciousness of different animals. These animals have different senses and light up in you what may be healed by the medicine woman. 

You don't need to prepare anything. You don't need experience with meditation, mindfulness or anything else. Listening to it and participating is enough. 

Sign Up Now for the Session Clear Your Mind

✅ On demand, follow when you are ready 
👍 Release all unnecessary thoughts in 1 hour
👌 Participate anonymously, ask questions by mail
❤️ Suitable for all
😍 Only 12.50 euros

This session is part of a series of 2. Follow them both, do not pay 25 euros, but only 20 euros. 

Room for Trust

Everything You Want to Know About a Healing:

What Is a Healing?

A healing is a reprogramming of your energy system and separation of energies. It gently frees you from obstructive (behavioral) patterns, beliefs and thoughts.

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How Do I Feel During a Healing?

What you feel during a healing is person-dependent and varies from one healing to another. Some people get very tired, while others feel hot or cold. If it is an intense healing, you may have sore muscles or feel sluggish for several days.

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Featured: Meditation Healings

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Prefer a live or 1-on-1 healing?

We provide 1-on-1 healings and individual healing programs, healing programs and energetic trainings. 

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