Spiritual Reading
Do you want to read about spirituality? Then read the spiritual books Your Being, Your Beliefs and Your Karma. These books are for everyone who is interested in spiritual reading and wants to know everything about the workings of energy, metaphysical laws and forces, and karma. As well as working on it themselves.

Both for first-time spiritual readers who want to delve into spiritual reading and those who have already worn out quite a few spiritual books.
These spiritual handbooks are unique. Never before have there been such compact books with so much content on spirituality. Some reactions from our spiritual readers:
"I think of it as my First Aid for Internal Unrest. The book has given me many insights about my inner self. It teaches you how to deal with your energy and external influences. It is full of exercises that help you experience inner peace."
Isabel de VriesReader Your Being
"Great book, read many spiritual books, but this is one of the better ones 👌✔️"
Erwin DaansReader Your Being
"Ik heb hem binnen! Super... duidelijk, veel praktische oefeningen. Aanrader👍🏻"
Lies JeReader Your Being
"Well a must have for anyone who likes to remember what life is really like. Grand and all-encompassing I think it is. Since this book my life has changed 360 degrees for the better. The book is PURE LOVE, unparalleled in so few pages."
Athilde WhyteReader Your Being
"Book arrived today🥰🤗 lots of practical exercises and clear and highly recommended ❤ strange but true I feel a lot of energy flowing through my body."
Margarita MontilleReader Your Being
"How do I come into my power? The search of life perhaps, but if you read this book the end of the search seems to be in sight. I have read it and this book needs to be read over and over again, practiced and so indeed find access to what is needed. An instructive book that gives much food for thought!"
Martine KinneginReader Your Being
"Completely loved this little book ❤️Ik ordered it last week. Received it very quickly. I cannot let it go. This is the most interesting little book I have already bought. I really feel I need to do something with it."
Nadia ComaireReader Your Being
Spiritual Blogs
We regularly publish articles on spiritual topics. Such as:
- What is your intuition and how do you develop it?
- Awareness and consciousness, what is it and why should you do it?
- Raising vibrational frequency, what, why and how?
And articles from a spiritual perspective, such as:
- Reincarnation
- Grieving
- Meeting like-minded people