Holistic, What Exactly Is That and How Do I Do It?
Holistic means looking at the whole. As a human being, you are an energy system made up of different parts that are interconnected. Bodies, chakras, aura and energy field. Everything is energy and affects your energy system.
What Is Included in Holistic?
When we talk about holistic, people have different associations and interpretations about it. For us, a holistic approach means looking at the whole that affects your energy.
Everything you do, what you experience and what you surround yourself with is energy and affects your energy. On the one hand it is energy that you feed yourself with, such as energy from food, relationships, work or school, living environment, etc.
Some examples for clarification. For example, you can:
- eating very healthy, but having a toxic relationship that eats up a lot of energy
- exercise a lot to get fit, but energetically be a trash can into which everyone else dumps energy. Which will still cause you to run into burnout
- have a nice house, but which is in a sickening place
Besides the energy you feed off of, it is about blockages, traumas and pollution in your own energy system that prevents you from being fully yourself and in your own power.
As far as we are concerned, this is a very important aspect of the holistic approach, which is often forgotten or dealt with in such a way that you have to live through it again instead of solving it.
Again, some examples for clarification. For example, you can:
- have low self-confidence and seek recognition when you don't are hearing and visible to others because your 5th chakra is damaged is
- applying for a new job, while you aura is highly contaminated and people read a totally different image than who you really are which prevents you from getting the job
- stuck in a role of how things should or should not be, due to projections stored in your own programming (in your causal body, the body of cause and effect)
With healings you can ensure that you don't have unnecessary awkward, painful or unpleasant situations coming your way. But only the situations you need to learn your life lessons and grow personally from them. In addition, healings are a means to gently free you from obstructive (behavioral) patterns, beliefs and thoughts.
Address Cause Holistically
Everything is energy, affecting your energy system and the course of your life. So in that respect, you can't help but look with a holistic view if you really want to address the root cause. Whether it's physical or psychological symptoms, you're constantly running into the same kinds of situations or getting stuck in your life.
Want to learn more about energy and how it affects you? Then read the Your Being. It explains everything about your energy system, what affects it and how you can influence it. It also contains exercises to help you get and stay in touch with your own energy. Order directly
Getting Started
A holistic lifestyle begins with discipline. The discipline to actually make choices that are good for you. Instead of what you have been taught or what those around you are doing. Take this one step at a time, after all, you can't do everything at once, at least most people can't. Start with the aspect that is easiest for you or where there is the most to gain.