

Pyramid of the Roses

At various exercises in the book Your Being and the book Your Beliefs states: Make a connection with the pyramid of the roses. But, what exactly is that and why is it necessary? 

Pyramid of the Roses: Intelligence at Its Best

The pyramid of the roses is an instrument from which you can extract higher intelligence. It is a library accessible from the astral dimension. Just like the Akasha. You make a connection through intention (by saying it out loud or in your mind or visualizing it).

The roses are programming. By asking for them, you yourself give the intention, the pyramid provides the quality. There are different kinds of roses, each with its own purpose:

By using the higher intelligence of the pyramid of the roses, for example, you can shield yourself energetically without cutting yourself off. 

The instrument was rediscovered by Joseph Holzer. He gave it the name Pyramid of the roses.

Why a Pyramid and Why Roses?

Pyramid of roses visually depicted. At the top a red rose in a golden light pyramid.


We begin with the pyramid. Pyramids are built according to the platonic body (geometric figure) tetrahedron. This means that all faces have the same shape and size, all edges are the same length and all angles between them are the same size. Pyramids by their shape, size and construction are like power plants; on earth they are also seen as antennas to the cosmos and represent the pursuit of the highest peak. 

Did You Know?

The Pyramid of Cheops in Giza has the same triangular relationship as the earth and the moon have with each other. Not for nothing does it belong to 1 of the 7 wonders of the world to which mystical powers are attributed.


Rose, the queen of flowers. When the petals of the rose develop, the fibonacci sequence can be seen. The rose is also found in our galaxy. In an 8-year cycle, Earth and Venus orbit the sun. Where the relationships between them form a rose. 

Sacred Geometry

Every geometric figure is created from a certain basis. Sacred geometry is the basis of everything. The figures are constructed according to the fibonacci sequence. This ratio is found in everything. From our physical bodies to planets and the solar system. Pyramids and roses are also built according to this series. Everything around us is energy and constructed according to sacred geometry. This knowledge used to be passed down in Mystery Schools. Like the Mystery School of Pythagoras. Pyramids and roses are therefore common healing tools.

Platonic figures sacred geometry
Earth and Venus in orbit around the sun

Personal and Spiritual Leadership Training

Do you not want to keep moving with or be swallowed up by other people's energy, choices and emotions? But do you want to discover who you are and what you want, learn to stay true to yourself, make your own choices, and recognize and indicate your boundaries? Do you want to resolve things in yourself, so that you can grow and transform your life into the pleasant life you want? Join the Personal and Spiritual Leadership training.

There is limited space, sign up now.

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healing program Who am I | Higher self

Feeling yourself welcome, acceptance of who you essentially are, and love for yourself. During this healing program you become more yourself. With the healings we remove non-own energy. You also learn to discover your authentic self, to distinguish between what is yours and what is not, and to act from your true self (your higher self). Through this you experience more peace and relaxation in yourself, and you give more direction to your life.

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Your Being, from Your Being you have access to everything you need: come into your power | Spiritual book | Astrid van Pluuren and Jarno Tiethoff

Book Your Being

This book:

  • provides insight into all layers of your energy system, what affects it and how you yourself can influence it. Energetically as well as practically. 
  • contains exercises to get rid of energy that doesn't belong to you, and to shield your energy field. 
  • is full of tips on how to lift your energy system to a higher frequency so that you will be in your power, energized, and better able to direct your life.
Your Beliefs | Do you truly believe that activating metaphysical laws will enrich your life? Astrid van Pluuren and Jarno Tiethoff.

Book Your Beliefs

This book: 

  • provides insight into the hierarchy and operation of 42 metaphysical laws and forces.
  • contains exercises so that you learn to consciously activate higher laws to change the energetic setting of your life.
  • helps you balance your feminine and masculine power so that you can maximize your life force. 
Your Karma | From a hard lesson to a driving force: transform Your Karma. Spiritual book by Astrid van Pluuren and Jarno Tiethoff

Book Your Karma

This book:

  • provides insight into karma, its origins and how it is expressed.
  • is full of examples of karmic situations for clarification.
  • contains healing exercises that enable you to reduce your karma and (partially) heal the resulting burden.

The vivid examples give you an insight into what a healing is and what emerges during healing.

Featured: Meditation Healings

Overview of Spiritual Training and Healing Programs

Online session, including healing: watching at your convenience

Slechts 15 euro per sessie. 

Forces of Resistance | Healing

If you have a belief in yourself that you don't want something or are resisting something, it comes right into your life. Often it becomes a resistance which creates blockages.

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