House Clearing Energetically
By energetically clearing your home of negative energies, you optimize the energy in and around your home and thus your own energy. After all, the house and the place where you live have a great influence on how you experience your day and are in life.
Energy In and Around Your Home
There are places that heal you, but there are also places that press on you, feel heavy and burden your system. In short, there are healthy places and pathogenic places.
Why Energetically Clear Your Home?
The energy you experience in your home is largely determined by:
- the land you live on and how it was cared for during construction
- earth radiation and energy lines
- energy present from events, from the creation process, and from previous occupants
- spirits and/or ghosts present in the house
- your own energy and the energy of the things you have brought into your home
If this energy is disrupted, it has a negative effect on your own energy and therefore on your life.
Disrupted Energies of the Ground
In modern society there is often no consideration for the land, nature and its populates in other dimensions. Often beings from other dimensions are angry because something is built on “their place,” this causes an imbalance and negative energy.
In addition, in many places people fought in the past. When this energy is not healed, energetically there is still fighting for that place.
Furthermore, construction is taking place on land where there has previously been pollution, such as from factories, pig, horse or cow stables. Even if the land has been sanitized, it still has a major impact in terms of energy.
Disrupted Energies in the House
The energy during the creation process greatly affects the energy in the home. Was it created with love by builders who take pride in their work or was it created with a lot of stress and chagrin?
When it is an existing house, the energy of previous residents is also still present. If they had a lot of loneliness, sadness or anger in them, that is stored in the house if it has not been energetically cleared.
Energetic Clearance of Your Home on Different Levels
There are several levels on which you can energetically clear your home. Some of the things you can do yourself. Consider:
- energetically cleanse your home after there have been visitors.
- if you work at home, clear your home of work energy. This is because the work energy does not disappear the moment you remove things.
- optimize energy by placing or avoiding certain products and plants, in your house.
You can read more about this in the book Your Being.
Energetically Clearing Your Home with Sage
Many websites describe using sage to expel negative and heavy energies, and driving out evil spirits. This is partly true; it works up to a certain level. You can compare it to the yellow belt of judo. It protects in the basics.
But, a higher intelligence (developed spirit) will not be led away with sage. Besides, very often these are “house spirits” who, if you understand them, can actually be a help in the house for you.
Do you feel that your home needs a deep energetic clearing because negative energy, blockages, energy leaks or spirits are present? Then get a professional home healing.
Professional Home Healing
During a home healing, we work on several layers to cleanse, optimize and strengthen the energy.
What Are We Going To Do?
During a home healing:
- we work on disruptive energies of the ground and in the home, and what can be cleansed, healed and balanced in this.
we look at what is present in various dimensions in and around the home. For example:
- portals to other dimensions through which spirits continuously enter your home.
- magical programming that creates obstacles, blockages or negativity.
- deceased who are “stuck” in the astral dimension and cling to “their” home, or show up because they don't realize they have died and need help getting to the right place.
- intelligents out there and what their purpose and intentions are in being there, so you can take advantage of them instead of being afraid of them.
- You are going to place an energy grid under guidance. So that you shield your home energetically and the optimized energy can flow and is strengthened within the grid.
Practical Information
- A home healing takes an average of 1 to 1.5 hours and is via Zoom.
- The price is 250 euros.
A home healing by Zoom, does that really work? Yes it certainly does. Our healer Jarno is specialized in metaphysical travel, seeing into different dimensions and tuning into people and locations.