Angels of the Higher Laws
Every soul has a role in the universe. Angels are the guardians of metaphysical laws. These are supernatural laws that direct life. There is a hierarchy of metaphysical laws. There are higher laws and lower laws.Â
Work Safely
Higher laws are very powerful laws that can have quite an impact on your life. Therefore, it is important to activate them in a protected and safe way. You do this through the Angels of the Higher Laws.
Working with the Angels of the Higher Laws
Everyone can activate metaphysical laws through the Angels of the Higher Laws. However, their effect varies from person to person. How powerfully you can invoke a higher law depends on your personal development and life process.Â
In addition, it is advisable to know what laws and forces there are and what effect they have. Because, once you invoke a law, the process works itself out in perfection. So be careful what you wish for, before you know it you get it.Â
The book Your Beliefs contains explanations of 42 metaphysical laws and forces, exercises to consciously activate higher laws yourself and tips for living the way you want. More about the book Your Beliefs
The book Your Karma contains information on how to set up a healing space contains healing exercises with which you can reduce your karma and (partially) heal the resulting load. More about the book Je last