Personal and Spiritual Leadership Training
Knowing who you are in essence and guiding from your authenticity. To the course of your life, in dealing with the people around you and the people with whom you work or to whom you give guidance. That is what we work on during the Personal and Spiritual Leadership training.
For Whom?
Whether you want more leadership over your own life and career, or whether you have a leadership position or your own business in which you lead. This training is for anyone who wants to lead in an authentic, personal way, using all the energetic tools available. Both personally and professionally.
From on your own
to making use of the forces of the Universe.
What Will the Training Personal and Spiritual Leadership Bring You?
For You Personally:
No longer moving along with or being swallowed up by someone else's energy, choices and emotions, but discovering who you are and what you want, learning to stay true to yourself, make your own choices and recognize and indicate boundaries.
Resolving things within yourself so that you grow personally; in your self-confidence and self-acceptance, and you can transform your life into enjoyable living the way you want.
"When you do not recognize or indicate your own boundaries, another person cannot respect them either."
In Your Work:
Leading in a natural and authentic way. Connecting on a deeper level with your colleagues, employees, and clients. Energetically directing your company or team, and influencing the conversations you have.
Spiritual leadership is characterized by sensing what is needed, knowing whether or not to do something, and waiting for the right moment to seize your opportunities. More about spiritual leadership
Anyone can learn this, so can you.
It's not a mystery, it's the miracle called life creating magical moments.
Who are the teachers?
We are Astrid van Pluuren and Jarno Tiethoff.
- Astrid has ample experience with large, complex change processes within organizations and guiding teams and individuals in doing so. She does this from an energetic, analytical and practical approach.
- Jarno his talent is to bring people (through healings) back to their true selves so that they come into their own power.

Program Personal and Spiritual Leadership
The training Personal and Spiritual Leadership consists of knowledge sessions, healings and individual coaching. During the first part of the training, the focus is on personal leadership. In the second part on spiritual leadership.
Part 1: Personal Leadership
- Authenticity
Welcoming, respecting and accepting your true self. Learning to recognize what is yours and what is not. - Authenticity Within Your Family
Getting rid of family karma, roles and patterns within the family, and energy in the family line that is not appropriate for you and your life lessons. - Chakras, Optimize Your Operating System
Chakras are nodes through which energy flows. It is the connection that makes all your bodies work as one; with your chakras you direct your life. From unconscious to conscious directing. - Pure Intuition, Improve Your Internal Senses and Your Expression
Improve inner seeing and hearing, plus optimize your speech. Needed to be heard; to communicate your thoughts, ideas and opinions. In addition, we zoom in on the power of words. - Individual Coaching Sessions
- Meditation Healings (Unlimited Access)
Part 2: Spiritual Leadership
- What Do I Want and How Do I Realize It
By working on the energetic setting and intentions, things become possible that were previously impossible. We guide you to get to the essence of what you want and what is needed to achieve it. - The Impact of Thoughts, Attitude, and Behavior
What happens to you and what you achieve is largely brought upon yourself. This applies to you personally, but also to the team or company you work for or lead. We analyze the red thread (of your life and obstacles in your work/team/company), the (energetic) underlying causes and make an action plan to address these. - What Are My Strengths and How Do I Use Them?
Forces within you, forces that exert pressure on you, and forces that pass through you. Discover the difference, learn how to direct these forces, and make the best use of them.
Personal and spiritual leadership training: investment in yourself
Price is € 3.700. It is possible to pay in 24 terms
Frequently Asked Questions

Astrid van Pluuren | Mentor & Inspirator
Complex matters consist of numerous simple parts. Astrid sees through situations, knows how to get to the heart of the matter and communicate insights clearly.
Jarno Tiethoff | Healer and Energetic Expert
Jarno has over 20 years of experience with healings. He tunes into you and knows immediately what is needed to help you move forward.
- Is this training mostly energetic and spiritual? Because I myself am mostly business minded and have a hands-on mentality
The training is both energetically and practically.
With healings you can free yourself from obstructing (behavioral) patterns, beliefs, and thoughts. It creates certain realizations in yourself, allowing you to look at situations from a different perspective and to see them differently. With this you clear the way for change.
The next step is to actually implement the change. We guide you in this. Both personally and professionally.
- Leadership? I don't even have my own life together, is this the right fit for me?
As you progress in the training, you will find that you move from survival to life and then to direction over your life: leadership.
Everyone can learn to take leadership over their own lives and in their work. Whether you are in a leadership position or not.
- Can I become a holistic coach or healer with this training?
This training is focused on helping you discover and further develop your own talent and strengths. So that you can be fully authentic in who you are and radiate that to your surroundings.
You can use the sessions of the Forces section as you wish. If you want to start doing healings yourself (for yourself) then you can actively participate and pay attention, and if you mainly want to become more in your power yourself, then you "undergo" the healings. Of the people who have gone through this part, it is 50/50. So some want to actively participate and others feel strengthened in who they are and notice changes in their own lives and work.
How are the individual sessions structured?
Individual sessions are tailored to you and your learning goals. This varies from person to person. Participants' backgrounds and learning goals are varied. From administrators and directors to elementary school teachers and from people with a bunout to energy workers. What they all have in common is that they want to free themselves from unnecessary 'burdens they carry' and make use of the energetic possibilities that are available in order to direct their lives and careers.
- How will this training help me get to the next step in my life or career?
You are shaped by your upbringing, culture, society, any religion, etc. But also, for example, by thought influence from commercial parties ( for example advertisements) and propaganda from governments ( for instance through education).
These are all energy systems with their own consciousness and center of gravity, which influences your energy system; who you are. As a result, you have often drifted away from your true self. Who you essentially are. Your energy system is so full of the thoughts, opinions, and beliefs of others. In short; what others want from you or think you should do. This makes it difficult to purely filter out what your own will and path is. But also to be fully yourself and to naturally be in the lead from your own power.
This training is a combination of knowledge, healings and coaching.
With healings you can free yourself from obstructing (behavioral) patterns, beliefs and thoughts. It creates certain realizations in yourself, allowing you to look at situations from a different perspective and to see them differently. With this you clear the way for change. The next step is to actually implement the change. We guide you in this. Both personally and professionally.
- How much time should I spend on this course and how much self-study is expected?
The training includes 25 group sessions of 2 to 2.5 hours each. This is on the fixed dates as indicated on this website.
Individual sessions last on average 1.5 to 2 hours. We schedule these separately with you.
In addition, you attend a number of on-demand sessions of approximately 1 hour. You can schedule these yourself during the relevant period of the training.
During Part 1 Personal Leadership, the books Your Being and Your Beliefs are study materials. You should practice the exercises from these and a number of other exercises. And experience what it does for you. The self-study is on average 0.5 to 1 hour per week.
During Part 2 Spiritual Leadership, the book Your Karma is study material. You will also receive a number of assignments to prepare for the sessions. The self-study is on average 0.5 to 1 hour per week.
- After going through and completing the training, will I receive a diploma or certificate that is accredited?
Our training Personal and Spiritual Leadership is unique in the world. The combination of knowledge, healings and coaching makes it completely tailored to you and what you need to come into your own power and authenticity, and lead from there.
Spirituality is a generic term, just like dining establishments. And just as there is a difference between the snack bar and a 5-star restaurant in dining establishments, there is also a difference in practicing spirituality. From Entertainment Spirituality, (just because it's fun) to Wholeness Spirituality with the purpose of healing and developing yourself so you can start living your highest life path. We teach you how to apply wholeness spirituality.
We have a standard of quality in which we make no concessions to comply with the rules and standards of the establishment. This is also the reason, for example, that we self-publish our books. So we do not give you a formal accredited diploma or certificate upon completion of the training. The proof of participation is the change in your life and in your work that you can bring about through all that you have learned and done during the training.
Your potential
"The greatest influence on your life is the potential you have within you. That is what can be discovered during your life. Don't let your life be limited by outside influences, such as what others think, want, or demand of you. But, don't limit yourself either because you haven't yet discovered certain talents within yourself.
Every skill requires attention to develop successfully. One may come easier to you than another, but it says nothing about how good you can become at something. Don't just give up. Not getting the most out of your life will ultimately cost you more effort."