
"I feel a lot stronger in my own energy now, I grant that to my team as well"

Who: Marlène Stiekema, founder Team Heartbeats and BBB Healthboutique

What: all healing programs

Why: "I was often sick. Healthy diet, sleep, and exercise were not working enough for me. I went to Jarno to feel better."

"My mission to move people physically, emotionally, and mentally is now succeeding 100 times better."

Personal development at 1

Marlène Stiekema is an entrepreneur at heart. All her ventures have one thing in common: connecting people and helping them move forward. Personal development comes first for her. And that's how she came in contact with Jarno. She followed several healing programs and recently gave her team 3 sessions and the book 'Je wil' as a gift. "I grant this to my coaches as well."

With Team Heartbeats Marlène makes people more resilient and companies more agile and with BBB Healthboutique she offers a total concept of body, nutrition, and mind. "Everything for me is about connecting with people. What I personally find special about Jarno is that he immediately says, 'Everyone can heal.' So he not only solves it for you, but also teaches you how to do it for yourself, and thus for another person.

Shielding Energy

Jarno's healings had a great effect on me. I was often sick. Healthy diet, sleep, and exercise were not working enough for me. I went to Jarno to feel better. What I love about the sessions is that he makes the theoretical part concrete with videos and examples that everyone can relate to. After the healing program 'Who Am I | Higher Self' I noticed that everything I said resonated. As if I choose the right tone better and also hear more sharply what people are saying. I used to be too busy helping other people and taking over their energy. Now I shield my energy properly and really manage to help people better at the same time.

"What I really like about the sessions is that he makes the theoretical part concrete with videos and examples that everyone can relate to."

With the other healing programs you go even deeper. At least, that's how I experienced it. Once I was literally deathly ill after a healing. Apparently I still had a lot to clear up. My family clearly notices a difference from before. And so does my twin sister. We work together and live above each other. She would always come downstairs when I had such bad, depressing energy, and that exhausted her too. That bad energy is gone and I'm not sick as often. I now feel a lot stronger in my own energy.

Inner Knowing

My twin sister Danielle is more rational than I am. I don't always need an explanation to believe in something or understand something. But when she saw that I was really doing better, that also persuaded her to go to Jarno and Astrid. The funny thing is that my sister already had a very strong inner knowing. And when it felt right, she looked for the arguments there. From Jarno came the confirmation that she can trust her feelings and that she doesn't always have to explain.

Positive Reactions

To our team of coaches, we offered an presentation and sessions from Lead a Normal Life. They deal with so many people every day and therefore with so many different energies. The first session was theory; what about your own energy and that of other people, and how does it affect you? How can you learn that you go home with yourself and not with all the stuff from work?

We got a lot of positive feedback on that. They can also do 3 online healings now; an energetic check up (MOT). Of course, that's not mandatory. I want to inspire them as an employer, but they have to feel something about it themselves. What works for me may not work for you. I do notice that people become more curious because they see how well I'm doing.

Life Coach

My mission to move people physically, emotionally, and mentally is now 100x more successful. How that comes about is elusive. At the same time, I don't really care. I radiate something positive and I attract people whom I can actually help as a result. I see Jarno as a life coach and the great thing is that I can now heal myself. Exactly as he said in the beginning. In short, I hope people have the courage to be curious about what else is out there beyond our rational thinking. Being curious can bring you a lot!"

"I wanted to be even more in my power."

Myrna van Kemenade: "I wanted to be even more in my power. There are few people who are allowed to get into my energy field, but with Jarno it immediately felt genuine. He helps people reach their full potential."

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"Jarno's healing helped me release blockages."

Nienke Gottenbos: "I struggled with relationships, was able to recognize and acknowledge the problem, but did not manage to solve it. Afterwards, it turned out that I was carrying my great-grandmother's energy with me and had to give that back to move forward myself."

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"My life is going great because of Jarno's healings"

Sam van den Haak: "I actually blocked my whole childhood and that started to bother me more and more. I was hoping that Jarno could help me with a healing so I could have a normal relationship with someone. It changed my life. I am now 'in the lead' through 'Lead a normal life.

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"Jarno and Astrid helped me to find faith in myself again."

Ilonka Meijer: "In 2021 I lost my home, my business, and income, but most of all myself. I was always pleasing others so I no longer knew who I was and what I wanted. With depression as a result. With the help of Jarno and Astrid, I regained the way to myself and the strength and energy to go on the journey of a lifetime."

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Do you want to develop yourself like Marlène, Myrna, Sybe, Nienke, Rob, Sam and Ilonka?

We provide 1-on-1 healings and individual healing programs, healing programs and energetic trainings. We also have several online sessions, including healing. These are on demand and you can follow them when it suits you. completely tailored to what you need.