Inner Child
When you experienced painful situations as a child, your inner child may hold on to these experiences and the emotional reaction to them. This may cause you, as an adult, to be triggered again and again in certain situations and experience the same emotions as then. Even if it is disproportionate or unjustified, and you rationally know it yourself.
What Exactly Is Your Inner Child?
There is a difference between the psychological approach and energetic approach. In psychology, your inner child is described as a combination of how you came to Earth, along with the experiences in the first 6 or 7 years of your life. This would be stored in your mind and be an independent working system.Â
We look at this differently because we look at the multiple dimensions in which you exist as a human being. Everything is energy, has a consciousness, and an energy frequency that contains information. You too are an energy system consisting of multiple bodies, chakras, aura, and energy field. Some of this is in the physical dimension on Earth, but much of it is in other dimensions, such as the astral dimension, mental dimension, etc.Â

Time as we know it on Earth applies only to the physical dimension on Earth. Other dimensions, such as the astral dimension, have a different time dimension. The same applies to the universe. Because of this, you live all your lives at the same time. On Earth, however, these are different periods.
Because it is actually all at the same time, in addition to your present self, you also have a future self and past self. That past self, depending on how much back in time, is your child consciousness, or inner child.
How to Heal Your Inner Child?
Your inner child is your child consciousness. You can enter into a conversation with it so that it realizes, that the trauma, belief, or blockage, is not appropriate for who you are now and is hindering you now. And releasing this. But, also to reassure the inner child so it can grow into who you are now. And continue to develop with you from there. However, this is only one aspect of healing the inner child. While healing the inner child contains several aspects.Â
Experiences and Emotions Inner Child Stored in Chakras and Aura
The events you experienced as a child are stored in your aura. Your aura contains, as it were, your own personal encyclopedia. All the wisdom you have within you, all the experiences, events and traumas from this and other lives, your karma commitments, life lessons, etc. It is all contained in the form of energy in a sphere in your aura, diagonally behind you, just slightly above your head.Â
Your aura is the energy you radiate from the chakras. Your causal body is connected to your 11th main chakra. This is the body that contains your life plan and life path. It is the body of cause and effect. It directs your other bodies. The experiences you went through as a child and the traumas, emotions, and beliefs that resulted from them affect your life path and its direction.Â
Cause Often Lies in Other Lives
In addition, much of what you experience stems from karmic situations. Your karma is the baggage you take with you from other lives and what you bring about in this life. They are energetic life lessons that keep coming back until they are closed or resolved. You have all kinds of karma and many of the situations that arise in your life stem from karma.Â
In almost every healing we do, it turns out that what people are struggling with stems from a problem that originated in another life. Only, people often relate it to a situation from their current life. This makes sense because most people have no memory of other lives. Yet many situations occur in your current life to expose problems you carry with you from other lives so that you can resolve them.
Heal Your Inner Child Completely
So when you want to work on healing your inner child, it is important to look at all these aspects and adjust the healing accordingly. With us, a healing often consists of a combination of techniques in which we include all these aspects. Read more about a healing
Also learn more about maternal love and paternal love. These are crucial to your self-esteem, sense of safety and security.