Increasing Your Vibration Frequency: What, Why, and How?
Your energy field determines your radiance and thus your vibrational frequency. It connects you with other consciousness on Earth: people, animals and nature. The higher the vibrational frequency of your energy, the less susceptible you are to the energy of others and your environment. Rising your vibrational frequency means coming more and more into your own energy and thus your own power.
What Is Your Vibrational Frequency?
Your vibrational frequency is your energy frequency. You have an energy field and so does everything around you. These energy fields resonate with each other creating a collective new energy field. You are (temporarily) a part of this and this affects your own vibrational frequency.Â
Your energy system consists of chakras, bodies, your aura, and energy field. Everything within your system from your higher self to cells and bacteria is energy. Your energy system has a vibrational frequency. The same goes for everything you experience, everything you ingest, and everything you surround yourself with.
For example, when many people are around each other, these different energy fields create a common energy field; the collective consciousness of that moment. So you have your own vibrational energy system as well as the resonance of systems of which you are (temporarily) a part. This applies to everything from trees and plants to manufactured products. As soon as you surround yourself with it, your energy frequency is affected by its vibrational frequency.Â
Why Should You Rise Your Vibrational Frequency?
You have your own vibrational frequency energy system and the resonance of systems that you are "temporarily" part of. This can have a positive influence, but also a negative one. The higher your own vibrational frequency is, the less you are influenced by the resonances of others. Â
This blog focuses on the energy of humans, animals and nature on Earth, but within universal consciousness and in the different dimensions, these are not the only beings that exist. The same applies to them; you have beings with a higher energy frequency and beings with a lower energy frequency. The beings with a lower energy frequency cannot access and influence the higher energy frequency.  Â
In addition, we on Earth are in a transition from earth energy to air energy, also called Aquarius era. This transformation, and with it changing higher energy on Earth, means that dimensions are becoming more perceptible and people are becoming more sensitive to external energy. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to shield and cleanse your own energy system to come to yourself and stay true to yourself. And to rise your vibrational frequency so that you can participate in the transition to higher energy on Earth.Â
How Do You Increase Your Vibrational Frequency?Â
To know how to rise your energy frequency, you need an understanding of what is affecting your energy system. And that's a lot. Energy through connections and projections, think relationships and encounters. Energy from events and traumas, both from this life and other lives. Energy you consume, through food, as well as medications and makeup. And energy you live in, such as the place you live in and the things you surround yourself with.Â
You can increase your energy frequency by:
- doing the energetic exercises, daily (the book Your Being, contains even more energetic exercises than our website). Â
- resolving your karma and learning your life lessons (the book Your Karma contains healing exercises to heal the load that came from karma).Â
- through healings, such as the Energetic check up (MOT), the healing program Who Am I | Higher Self and the meditation healing Self-love.