Healing Program Who Am I | Higher self
Feeling yourself welcome, acceptance of who you essentially are, and love for yourself. During this healing program you become more yourself. With the healings we remove non-own energy. You also learn to discover your authentic self, to distinguish between what is yours and what is not, and to act from your true self (your higher self). Through this you experience more peace and relaxation in yourself, and you give more direction to your life.
During this program:
- you undergo 5 healings to get to your authentic self
- you will do exercises to learn to stay close to your true self
- You will learn to recognize and distinguish signals from your guides, higher self and angels.
Besides healings you will receive insights. With videos, images, quotes and explanations we make the information concrete. Topics include:
- Directing from your higher self versus directing from daily life.
- (Behavioral) patterns, beliefs and programming.
- Life paths, life lessons and guides.
5 Healings
Releasing Birth Trauma: Energetic Rebirth
Birth trauma, through healing we energetically shift the period from conception to birth. To feeling yourself welcome, acceptance of who you are in essence, and love for yourself.
Resolving Guilt, Shame, and Fear
Guilt, shame, and fear, paralyze you so that you no longer recognize the power within yourself. Healing this creates space to make change in your life.
Connection with Your Higher Self and Cooperation between Your Bodies
Everyone carries a wealth of knowledge, only there is noise on the line. Often your higher consciousness is 'disconnected' from your consciousness on earth. Through healing we optimize the energy and information flows. So that your whole system starts working together to achieve your life goals.
Your Main Guide and Making Contact with It
Guides are beings with one purpose: to help. As you grow personally, it is important that your guides grow with you. Through healing, your guides receive an update.
Living Wholeheartedly from the Source
Living full of surrender. To optimally receive from your source and bring happiness into your life, you need a good connection. With the healing we remove blockages that hinder a pure connection with source.
For Whom
This program is for anyone who wants to live more from their own energy, wisdom, and power.

"I feel a lot stronger in my own energy now, I grant that to my team as well"
Marlène Stiekema: "I was often sick. Healthy diet, sleep and exercise, didn't work enough for me. I went to Jarno to feel better. Because of the healing programs, I now succeed 100x better in getting people physically. emotionally and mentally moving."

"The confirmation of why I am here and what my gift is gives peace of mind."
Sijbe Bonsma: "I noticed that I was more in my head again and trusted less in the good outcome of things. Jarno is a great master of spirituality. I would like to learn more from him and apply that in my own life and work."

"After the first healing, I went out the door a lot lighter."
Rob van der Molen: "I felt that a heavy energy was pulling me down in parts. I wanted to transform that. Jarno broadened my horizons by clearing blockages and addressing karma. It is an elusive and infinite process, but it has taken me a lot further again."

"My life is going great because of Jarno's healings"
Sam van den Haak: "I actually blocked my whole childhood and that started to bother me more and more. I was hoping that Jarno could help me with a healing so I could have a normal relationship with someone. It changed my life. I am now 'in the lead' through 'Lead a normal life.
Practical Information
- The program consists of 5 modules of 2 to 2,5 hours.
- Live online participation via Zoom. The session is in Dutch. It makes no difference for the healing, but there will be some explanation as well and that is in Dutch.
- 1-on-1 coaching.
Dates next series:
- There are currently no series scheduled (21 maart, 4 & 25 april, 9 mei). Deze groep zit vol.
- Woensdagochtend van 10.00 – 12.30 uur. Start woensdag 15 oktober 2025 (5 & 19 november, 3 & 17 december).
The price is 675 euros It is possible to pay in 3 installments. (For this, take Astrid)
Incorporated in Training Personal and Spiritual Leadership
The healing program Who am I | Higher self is also incorporated into the 2-year Personal and Spiritual Leadership training. Read more about this training
Jarno Tiethoff, healer and energetic expert, can connect with all healing spirits that support growth toward wholeness and has mastered all healing techniques within wholeness spirituality. With this he adjusts the healing to what you need in your life process and for your personal growth.
Get to know Jarno a little better? Read about his experiences during the Healing Journey Thailand or see how he experienced his growth in consciousness (it is in Dutch).