Forces of Resistance | Healing
In general, the "Forces of Resistance" act to combat a movement: resistance to an experience imposed by another. For example, resistance to authority or oppression.
The "Forces of Resistance" is an energy that operates under the universal laws (metaphysical laws) Law of Duality, Law of Attraction of Opposites, and Law of Polarity. Because the forces operate under these laws, the forces attract the exact experiences that are resisted.
This means that if you have a belief in yourself that you don't want something or are resisting something, such as suppressing your feminine power, that this comes into your life so that you learn to deal with it. When you don't learn to do this, it becomes a blockage; resistance. The more often you attract these forces, the stronger the forces become.
Eventually the energy can become so powerful that
- you become what you are resisting
- blockages develop in your various bodies so that it takes you more and more strength and energy to resist and overcome the opposing force.
"Instructive and this one came in very strong. Thank you for this!"
"Impressive, want to watch it again."
"This is the basis for coming into your power," beautiful! Thank you so much!"
"Very lovely and warm. Thank you so much for this!"
"Thank you for this strong warm full healing."
What Are We Going To Do?
During this session we do an exercise to disconnect with suppression on creation and manifestation forces (feminine and masculine energy). In addition, we do a healing on the "Forces of Resistance." So that the unhealthy forms of this are transformed. And the blockages that arise from this are dissolved.
You don't need to prepare anything. You don't need experience with meditation, mindfulness or anything else. Listening to it and participating is enough.

Sign Up Now for the Session Forces of Resistance
✅ On demand, follow when you are ready
👍 In 1 hour transforming unnecessary resistance so that blockages dissolve
👌 Participate anonymously, ask questions by mail
❤️ Suitable for all
😍 Only 15 euro