
"After the first healing, I went out the door a lot lighter."

Who: Rob van der Molen, founder RE:SET your life

What: healing programs

Why: "To continue to grow spiritually myself and expand my toolbox. I also still felt blockages; the heavy energy was pulling me down in parts. With Jarno's help, I wanted to transform that." 

"Jarno broadened my horizons by clearing blockages and addressing karma from other lives and from ancestors. It is elusive and a never-ending process, but it has taken me another step forward."

Consciously Working on Myself

Rob van der Molen's mission is to connect people and help make life fun and light. Previously he did that with festivals and now he does it with "RE:SET your life". To continue to grow spiritually himself and expand his toolbox, he called Jarno.

"In 2017, my company went bankrupt and everything around me shattered. I had a lot of things tucked away, living from fear and uncertainty. For me, it was a wake-up call. I didn't want to live like that. From that moment I started to consciously work on myself, to learn and grow. I took a coach, went on retreat, meditated, and rebuilt myself piece by piece. When a friend said, "You should give Jarno a call," I did. She felt he could help me continue to grow.

Negative Energy

I was interested in Jarno's methods and techniques, wanting to expand my toolbox. I also felt that there were blockages caused by karma in other lives and family lines. The heavy energy was still pulling me down in some areas of my being. With Jarno's help, I hoped to transform that. He can dissolve blockages that I could not reach myself at that time.

During the first healing my ego did think: what kind of magic is this? But, I felt the intention was right and I know I am not my thoughts, so I distanced myself from that. I surrendered to the moment. Only then do you get something out of it. And so it did, because after the first healing I went out the door a lot lighter. I felt that my energy frequency was higher than before. After that I followed the healing programs 'Who am I | Higher Self' and 'Chakras'."

"Go to your feelings, deep inside you know everything. That's what I love about Jarno. Who emphasizes that too. If you connect with something, the answers come naturally."

Pure Intention

In the end, of course, it's all about what you do with it yourself. Go to your gut, deep down you know everything. That's what I love about Jarno. He emphasizes that too. If you connect with something, the answers come naturally. It's about the pure intention. At some point you start to open up. By now I know that if I live, make choices, and act from pure intention, it works.

Trust in the Universe

The exercises in the book 'Je zijn' offer a handhold, a guideline, when you have no idea how to direct energy. I do make my own soup out of them, but that doesn't matter. Again, it's about intention and it works because it brings me more peace.

With Jarno I often talk about the horizon and all the possibilities. He has broadened my horizon by clearing blockages and addressing karma from other lives and from ancestors. It is elusive and an unending process, but it has taken me another step forward. I trust the universe; everything is already there and will come at the right time."

"I wanted to be even more in my power."

Myrna van Kemenade: "I wanted to be even more in my power. There are few people who are allowed to get into my energy field, but with Jarno it immediately felt genuine. He helps people reach their full potential."

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"Jarno's healing helped me release blockages."

Nienke Gottenbos: "I struggled with relationships, was able to recognize and acknowledge the problem, but did not manage to solve it. Afterwards, it turned out that I was carrying my great-grandmother's energy with me and had to give that back to move forward myself."

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"My life is going great because of Jarno's healings"

Sam van den Haak: "I actually blocked my whole childhood and that started to bother me more and more. I was hoping that Jarno could help me with a healing so I could have a normal relationship with someone. It changed my life. I am now 'in the lead' through 'Lead a normal life.

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"Jarno and Astrid helped me to find faith in myself again."

Ilonka Meijer: "In 2021 I lost my home, my business, and income, but most of all myself. I was always pleasing others so I no longer knew who I was and what I wanted. With depression as a result. With the help of Jarno and Astrid, I regained the way to myself and the strength and energy to go on the journey of a lifetime."

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Do you want to develop yourself like Marlène, Myrna, Sybe, Nienke, Rob, Sam and Ilonka?

We provide 1-on-1 healings and individual healing programs, healing programs and energetic trainings. We also have several online sessions, including healing. These are on demand and you can follow them when it suits you. completely tailored to what you need.