"Jarno's healing helped me release blockages."
Who: Nienke Gottenbos, gut health therapist and founder of De Groene Vrouw
What: 1-on-1 healing journey
Why"I was struggling with relationships, could recognize and acknowledge the problem, but I couldn't manage to solve it. That's why I specifically sought a healing."

"During the healing I felt myself getting heavy and sank into a kind of deep meditation. Afterwards, I felt relieved with renewed confidence in myself."
Working on Yourself
As a gut flora therapist, Nienke Gottenbos wrote several books, gives lectures and courses, and is founder of ‘De Groene Vrouw' She is also a mother of 2 children and is trained in Western mysticism. "Spirituality is not new to me, neither is working on yourself. I see that as an ongoing process. Because I was running into blockages in my life, I called Jarno for a healing."
"A friend of mine told me about Lead a normal life," Nienke clarifies. "She was enthusiastic about it and I myself was getting stuck at that time. The relationship I was in wasn't working and brought a lot of pain. I started doubting myself as a result. A previous course with a psychologist had already brought me a lot, but somewhere the feeling remained that I had something inside me to solve on an energetic level.
Energetic Aspect
I have always had trouble with relationships. Then I knew: this is not supposed to be like this. But what's behind that? Why do I attract those kinds of people? It was a part inside me, and I noticed that working on that didn't help enough. It was a period of many conversations, and several courses also on energetic side. All those things definitely had value. And I could recognize and acknowledge the problem, but I couldn't manage to solve it.
Kind of Deep Meditation
Therefore, I specifically sought a healing. The first healing with Jarno was the most intense. We got acquainted and Jarno explained how he works with a healing space during a healing and that he was going to do a timeline healing. This contains a part of before you were born and a part of life now. During the healing I felt myself getting heavy and I sank into a kind of deep meditation. Afterwards I felt relieved with renewed confidence in myself. After that I went a few more times with Jarno doing a different type of healing each time.
From Generation to Generation
A healing is quite an elusive process; you cannot control it, but I had faith in it. Only later I heard from my mother that violence had occurred in our family line before. That energy can be passed on from generation to generation. So in retrospect, that did explain for me why I had such a hard time processing this part in me. I was lugging the fear and grief of my great-grandmother with me and had to give that back to move forward myself.
"Energy can be passed from generation to generation. I lugged the fear and sadness of my great-grandmother with me and had to give that back to move forward myself."
Processing Emotions
So, developing and enriching yourself can be done in many ways. For me, the energetic piece is part of that. I also notice this in my work as a gut health therapist. If you have unresolved trauma, I can't work with your gut. That's because what happens in your gut directly affects your emotions and how well you can process things.
Healing Energy
Meanwhile, my relationship has broken up and I am recovering. This requires rest. Standing still, breathing, and time for myself. The healing has helped me release blockages. And such blockages can be about anything: relationships, work, money... That is the value of spirituality. Jarno can see very well where it comes from. The healing energy then works directly on the cause of the imbalance, that's the beauty of it!"