Increase Vibration Frequency | Healing
Do you manage to remain true to yourself, your own feelings and your own energy? Or do you regularly get carried away by the emotions of others, the atmosphere and trends in society? Your energy field determines your radiance and thus your vibrational frequency. It connects you with other consciousness on earth: people, animals and nature. The higher the vibrational frequency of your energy, the less susceptible you are to the energy of others and your environment.
You have your own vibrational frequency energy system and the resonance of systems that you are "temporarily" part of. This can have a positive influence, but also a negative one. The higher your own vibrational frequency is, the less you are influenced by the resonances of others.
With a healing you can separate energy. Energy that is not yours is neutralized and removed. The resulting empty spaces in your energy system are filled with your own energy so that you become more you. This gradually raises your overall vibrational frequency.
What Are We Going To Do?
We will do exercises that will bring you into the here and now. We also do a healing to neutralize and remove energy that is not yours from your aura and chakras.
You don't need to prepare anything. You don't need experience with meditation, mindfulness or anything else. Listening to it and participating is enough.
Sign Up Now for the Session Increase Vibration Frequency
👉 On demand: follow whenever you are ready
👍 Boost your vibration frequency in 1 hour
👌 Anonymous participation, opportunity to ask questions
❤️ Suitable for all
😍 Only 15 euro
This online session is part of a series of 3 sessions:
- Releasing tension
- Reduce projections from social pressure
- Increase vibration frequency
These sessions with healings are an energetic check up (MOT) for your energetic system. You cleanse and care for your physical body every day. With these sessions you can do the same for your energetic bodies (on a regular basis).
Volg de hele serie. Betaal geen 45 euro, maar slechts 35 euro.