Your Life Path, What is It, and How Do You Direct Its Unfolding?

Your life path is how you move from one calibration point to another. And how you learn your life lessons and achieve life goals.
What is Consciousness?

There is a difference between your consciousness and being conscious. It's about levels of consciousness and how conscious you go through life.
Tension in Your Body, Where Does It Come From and How Do You Get Rid of It?

More and more people have symptoms due to too much energy: tension. Without having stress. How is that possible and how do you release tension?
How Can You Improve Your Intuition and Why Should You?

What is your intuition, how does your intuition work and how do you improve your intuition? Intuition is inner knowing or feeling.
Increase Your Energy Frequency with Vegetables from Your Own Garden

The more pure your food, the more energy it contains and the higher the energy frequency. Take care of yourself, take care
Increasing vibration frequency; what, why and how

Your vibrational frequency is your energy frequency. The higher your frequency, the less susceptible you are to outside
Life Lessons from Annual Plants

Levenslessen van eenjarige planten Eind februari, begin maart nog een zaadje. Met voldoende water en licht ontwikkelt het zich. Al gauw is het zaadje een plantje en te groot voor het potje. Het heeft meer ruimte en plek voor zichzelf nodig. Om te groeien en te bloeien. Wanneer de plant vasthoudt aan uitgebloeide bloemen, is er […]
Pyramid of the Roses

The pyramid of the roses is an instrument from which you can extract higher intelligence. It can be accessed from the astral dimension.
Transition of Energy | Aquarian Age

We are in a transition from earth energy to sky energy, also called Aquarius era. Read what this means for you energetically.