Why Is Self-Love So Important and How Can You Develop It?

Self-love is the basis of how you experience life. Do you want to develop your self-love? Read about how to do that.
What Lessons Can I Learn From My Past Lives?

All wisdom is within you. Everything you have gained in terms of knowledge, skills, and experiences in other lives is stored in your aura.
What Is a Soul Mission and How Do I Discover Mine?

How do I discover my soul mission? Your soul mission is the accomplishment and realization of your life plan. Read how to find out.
Healing Journey Thailand

Jarno went on a healing journey to Thailand. To do various healings there. Read the travel journal about the healing journey in Thailand.
What Is Spirituality?

What is spirituality? Spirituality is the understanding that there is more than physical reality and knowing how to apply that to enrich your life.
Non-duality or Individuality, or Both?

Non-duality and non-dualism, what exactly are they? Non-duality is based on oneness and connectedness. There is no such thing as your own will. But is that correct?
My Child No Longer Wants to Go to School, Now What?

Many children get completely stuck in the school system or literally get sick of it. Read what causes this and what you can do.
Ayahuasca and truffles to expand your mind?

Expansive or narcotic drugs, such as ayahuasca and truffles remove the natural protection of your energy field.
Revive the power of your nature | Vision for new world

Our vision for the new world is based on the power we have within us, the infinite energy that the universe offers us.
My Child Doesn't Want to See Me Anymore and I Don't Understand Why

My child doesn't want to see me anymore and I don't understand why. The fact that this is especially common now is due to energetic aspects. Read what is going on.