Fear or Trust: the Paths Separate, Which Path do you Choose?

An energetic T-split has taken place: fear or trust. Read what this means for society and for you personally.
Focus on Personal Development

The crises are piling up. In a destructive situation, how can you still keep focus on yourself and what you want to build in your life?
What Is HSP or Highly Sensitive and How Do You Deal With It?

HSP or highly sensitive, sensitive to energy outside yourself. Avoid over-stimulation and take advantage of your sensitivity. Read how to do that.
Magic of Symbols and Rituals

Hoe kan een voorwerp of ritueel geluk brengen, bescherming bieden tegen gevaar, ziekte of ongeluk? Of juist het tegenovergestelde? Lees hoe projecties, programmeringen en de uitwerking ervan werken.
What about Reincarnation and Multiple Lives?

After you die, it takes an average of 7 (earthly) years for you to reincarnate. Time as we know it exists only in the physical dimension on earth, this is why you live all your lives at once.
Being Completely Yourself and Why It Costs Energy When You Don't

When you suppress something in yourself and feel uncomfortable about it, resistance arises. The "Forces of Resistance" work on that.
I want to be seen and heard

The degree to which you are visible and audible to others has a relationship to the information in your aura and energetic filters around you.
Power of Words

The way and intention with which you utter words directly affects your own and others' senses.
Energetic Body Scan

Maintain your energy and balance your feminine and masculine power with the energetic body scan.
How to Reconnect with My Feminine Energy?

Why is it that the contact with feminine energy is broken? And how can you restore that in yourself, and rebalance your feminine and masculine energy?