Energetische APK | 3 sessies incl. healing

With the healings in the energetic MOT, you give your energy a major overhaul. Releasing energy, cleaning it up and improving it.
Self-Love | Meditation Healing

Self-love, meditation healing for more acceptance and forgiveness. More softness and love towards yourself. Also supports during (invisible) grieving processes.
Dissolving False Karma | Healing

False karma is a mechanism programmed into your energy system that directs thoughts and emotions to control society.
Discover What You Want and How to Make it Happen | Online Session + PDF workbook

Explanation of the change of energy and what that can change for and in you. Incl. examples and tips on how to find out what you want and how to direct it yourself.
Energy in the Family Line (Generations) | Healing

Through the family line (bloodline) energy is passed on from generation to generation. Because of this you carry a lot of energy with you that does not belong to you.
You within Your Family System | Healing

By detaching yourself from the projections arising from family roles, more space is created for you as an individual. As a result, you as a person become more powerful within the family.
Dissolving Family Karma | Healing

Healing on family karma. Many situations stem from family karma. Life lessons that come back until you terminate or dissolve them.
Forces of Resistance | Healing

If you have a belief in yourself that you don't want something or are resisting something, it comes right into your life. Often it becomes a resistance which creates blockages.
From Fear to Confidence | Healing

When there is a lot of fear around you, your energy resonates with it. Through a healing you can transmute this energy into trust.
Clear Your Mind | Meditation Healing
Release superfluous thoughts and reset the mechanism that causes worrying. So that there is room again to look at the situation from a different perspective.