Energetic Garden

Growth & Flowering | Energy Bomb. Astrid and Jarno found an overgrown garden at their new home that no longer had any energy in it. They started all over again and created an energetic garden. How does that work? It is based on tuning in and trusting your intuition. What does that plant or place need? And can that be in harmony with what I do, so in a collaboration. Garden tips from Astrid.

An energetic garden brings insights, color and relaxation into your life. It supports you in your life processes.

Living Wholeheartedly from the Source

Vol overgave leven vanuit de bron. Wat is dat, hoe doe je dat en is dat wel verstandig?

Living full of surrender. To optimally receive from your source and bring happiness into your life, you need a good connection. With the healing we remove blockages that hinder a pure connection with source.

What are Karmic Roles?

What are Karmic Roles?

Two karmic roles are required in complete karma fulfillment: the role of causer and role of victim. You too fulfill both.

What Is Karma?

What Is Karma?

Your karma is the baggage you bring with you from other lives and what you build up in this life. Many situations stem from karma.

Impact of Saturn and Change of Sign

Impact van Saturnus en verandering van teken. 8 maart 2023 Saturnus in Vissen. Wisseling van Saturnus in Waterman naar Saturnus in Vissen.

Saturn has a great influence on the worldview and therefore on you. It is the planet of laws, judgments, karma. March 8 it passes from Aquarius into Pisces.

Connection with Your Higher Self and Cooperation between Your Bodies

Verbinding met je hogere zelf. En samenwerking tussen al je lichamen zodat jouw hele systeem werkt aan het behalen van je levensdoelen.

Everyone carries a wealth of knowledge, only there is noise on the line. Often your higher consciousness is 'disconnected' from your consciousness on earth. Through healing we optimize the energy and information flows. So that your whole system starts working together to achieve your life goals.