Who Am I Truly?

Who am I in essence? Without all the roles, or conforming to what is expected of me? Who am I, why am I here on Earth, and what talents do I have?
Systemic Practice, What Is it and How Can it Help Me?

By working systemically to clean up and reprogram your system, you as a person stand more powerfully within the whole.
Neptune 29 degrees in Pisces | Retrograde

Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces the end of an era on the theme of "how we have dealt with our consciousness, intuition and spiritual growth.
Do you take charge or allow yourself to be seduced?
Masterclass Do you take charge or do you allow yourself to be seduced? Sunday, November 17, 2024 in Schijndel. Be there.
Givers, Takers, and Matchers; the Energetic Interaction

Givers, takers and matchers. In fact, every soul is a giver. Only, on Earth you run into situations that make you a taker.
Your Soul

Your soul is your true self, and this is a part of your higher self. Your soul has the level of consciousness appropriate to your soul mission.
What Are Your Guides and How Do You Communicate with Them?

Guides are beings with one purpose: to help. Guides have the ability to communicate with you, they do this in many ways. Read more
An Old Soul, What Is it and By What Do You Recognize it?

An old soul is familiar on Earth, has the consciousness level of a master or guru, and a pure connection to its own wisdom.
Living with High Sensitivity, How Do You Deal with It?

Living with high sensitivity: picking up the mood, but also taking over energy through which it affects you. Read how to turn this into power.
Which Energy of Money Are You Connected With?

The energy you make money with, what you spend it on, and the beliefs you have. It has an impact on you. Read more