Who Am I Truly?

Wie ben ik nou eigenlijk echt? Zonder alle rollen die ik vervul, zonder mij te conformeren aan wat er van mij verwacht wordt? Wie ben ik, waarom ben ik hier op aarde en welke talenten heb ik daarvoor meegekregen?

Who am I in essence? Without all the roles, or conforming to what is expected of me? Who am I, why am I here on Earth, and what talents do I have?

Jupiter - Uranus conjunction April 20, 2024

20 april 2024 Jupiter - Uranus Conjunctie Eén van de meest impactvolle astrologische gebeurtenissen van 2024.

April 20 is the Jupiter - Uranus conjunction. This is considered one of the most impactful astrological events of 2024. What energy does this bring and what does it mean for you?

Your Soul

Your Soul

Your soul is your true self, and this is a part of your higher self. Your soul has the level of consciousness appropriate to your soul mission.