Your Main Guide and Making Contact with It

Guides are beings with one purpose: to help. As you grow personally, it is important that your guides grow with you. Through healing, your guides receive an update.
Holistic, What Exactly Is That and How Do I Do It?

With a holistic view, you look at the whole that affects your energy. Your bodies, chakras, aura and energy system.
Connection with Your Higher Self and Cooperation between Your Bodies

Everyone carries a wealth of knowledge, only there is noise on the line. Often your higher consciousness is 'disconnected' from your consciousness on earth. Through healing we optimize the energy and information flows. So that your whole system starts working together to achieve your life goals.
Resolving Guilt, Shame, and Fear

Guilt, shame, and fear, paralyze you so that you no longer recognize the power within yourself. Healing this creates space to make change in your life.
Force Field Linya, Construction 4th Week

The force field in Linya is a healing place for body and mind. Read about the last week of construction.
Bovis Value; Vibrational Number of Energy Frequency

Using the Bovis value, you can express the vibrational frequency of life energy. For example, of food, products and places.
Releasing Birth Trauma: Energetic Rebirth

Birth trauma, through healing we energetically shift the period from conception to birth. To feeling yourself welcome, acceptance of who you are in essence, and love for yourself.
Force Field Linya, Construction 3rd Week

This week's construction was all about backfilling, seeding, putting stones in place and, above all, lots of energetic programming.
Force Field Linya, Construction 2nd Week

The construction of Linya's force field is in full swing. See what we did in the second week and how the circle is shaping up.
Force Field Linya, Construction 1st Week

On January 21, 2023, we started constructing the force field in Linya. Check out what we did in the first week.