Energetic Campaign

Just as you can campaign for what you want in the physical world, you can also campaign energetically. An energetic campaign consists of essential intentions, consciously activating higher metaphysical laws and energetic conversational influence.
Universal laws | Metaphysical laws

Metaphysical laws direct life. Positive or negative, depending on which law is active and how it is directed.
Angels of the Higher Laws

The Angels of Higher Laws are the guardians of metaphysical laws. These are supernatural laws that direct life.
What is a Healing Space?

A healing space a safe space around you. Compare it to absolute privacy. It is an enclosed space where nothing can come through so that you can change your own inner processes without disturbing other people's processes.
Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical law that enables you to attract things. It is a lower law. This means that if you attract something that does not fit your karma and life lessons, you will get pain and suffering in your life.
Shift from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension?

Countless stories go the about a shift to 5D, referring to the Golden age and that you have to approach everything from love to get into that vibrational frequency. But, what about it really?
Chakras Blocked or Out of Balance

Insufficient fresh energy and taxing energy exchanges cause your chakras to become overloaded, blocked and out of balance. Read 7 tips.
Function of Your Chakras

Your chakras have an important function: without chakras no life. Your chakras are your operating system and energy points.
Full of Energy from Others

Thoughts, projections and energy of others cling to you. Throughout the day there are people unconsciously dumping energy on you. They are literally pouring their stories over you. Protect your energy field.
How Earth's Life Path affects Your Life Path

The life path of the Earth ultimately determines the framework within which you as an individual can fill in.