Ladies of Dharma

The Ladies of Dharma are the guides of life and help you to rise above matter. They are associated with Mercury.
Lords of Karma

The Lords of Karma are the energetic judges who judge karma commitments and can dissolve them.
What are Karmic Roles?

Two karmic roles are required in complete karma fulfillment: the role of causer and role of victim. You too fulfill both.
What Is a Life Lesson?

Your key life lesson relates to the wound of your soul that your higher consciousness (your true self) wants to heal in this life.
What Is Dharma?

What is dharma? Dharma is about the way you behave in areas of life. Are you living from dharma or karma?
What Is Karma?

Your karma is the baggage you bring with you from other lives and what you build up in this life. Many situations stem from karma.